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  • Writer's pictureShelby Kee

90works? Yes, it does!

90works is a non-profit organization based out of Florida that works alongside residents to help them become self-sufficient in 90 days. The organization’s name comes from the number of days it takes for participants to go through the program and become self-sufficient. 90works is proud to say that they currently have a 90% success rate with all participants.

One major part of 90work’s process is that they survey tenants on their interest in the program before implementing any classes or services. The survey asks questions like, are you interested in furthering your education, are you interested in health care, are you interested in employment, etc. Surveying is a crucial part of the process because it highlights the main wants and needs of the tenants while also identifying the tenants who are interested in the program. Below you can see the survey data from two Housing Authorities that have partnered with 90works.

While it may seem small, something as simple as a survey shows 90works where to focus their efforts. As shown above, tenants in these areas are interested in learning how to save money, so 90works knows to provide budgeting classes in these areas. With this information, 90works can provide multiple services specific to the residents in each area. By doing their research upfront, 90works eliminates wasted time and effort and uses their resources most effectively while also seeing rewarding results.

Want to learn more about 90works? You can visit their site here.

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